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The audio producer was kind enough to share her discoveries via this fact-filled series, which covers everything from heavy bleeding to hormones, period tracking apps to perimenopause.

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India Rakusen’s mind was “so blown” when she started talking to experts about the menstrual cycle. And just like the shows of the two men in question, it was solid gold entertainment start to finish.Īvailable on Spotify and Apple Podcasts 28ish Days Later

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From the arresting opening moments that chronicle a tiger mauling Roy’s neck, to an origin story involving Nazis, cheetah-smuggling and Grace Kelly, it was packed with mindboggling detail. Such was the case with this eight-part exploration of the astonishingly flamboyant lives and careers of Las Vegas magicians Siegfried and Roy. Sometimes a podcast’s story is so obviously dynamite you can’t believe it hasn’t already been done. Photograph: Willi Schneider/REX/Shutterstock Astonishingly flamboyant … Siegfried and Roy with their white lions and white tigers, Las Vegas.

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