But it strikes me that instead of one single gay culture, there are probably lots of different gay ‘worlds’ to explore. In counselling appointments, when I meet with older gay or bisexual men who are coming out, they sometimes describe their experiences of gay life as ‘being in another world’. If you are an older man coming to new terms with your homosexuality, it doesn’t matter whether you are living in Birmingham or Melbourne, Philadelphia, Singapore or anywhere else in between, you can discuss your concerns over the Internet with an experienced online counsellor and therapist who specialises in these issues. …It feels like I’m in midlife crisis with my sexuality. And making decisions about family, wives, children and friends is one of the main reasons gay and bisexual men seek help when coming out. How to deal with homosexual attraction and identity can be a big question for you if you are a man in your forties, fifties or older and you are questioning your sexuality or the way you live your life.